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Thread: color blending prototype

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    color blending prototype

    I have two color objects that I stored using getTransform().

    I set the color of the movieclip to the first color Object. When I click on the movieclip, I want it to slowly blend to the color of the second color object. How do I do that?

  2. #2
    Senior Member jbum's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Los Angeles
    I would do this using a single color object, which you modify dynamically.

    Let's say you have two r,g,b values:

    r1,g1,b1 // original color

    r2,g2,b2 // destination color

    You would start by setting the color object to r1,g1,b1. Then over time, you would tween it to r2,g2,b2.

    During the course of the animation, the value of t (for time) is set to go from 0 to 1.


    r - t*r2 + (1-t)*r1;
    g - t*g2 + (1-t)*g1;
    b - t*b2 + (1-t)*b1;

    This is a basic linear-interpolation forumula. Notice that when t is near zero, the color is very close to r1,g1,b1 but when t is near one, the color is very close to r2,g2,b2.

    Here's a script which uses this technique to transform a movieclip from red to green over 4 seconds.


    doTween = function()
    // t will go from 0 to 1 over the time specified by this.dur (duration)
    var t = (getTimer() - this.startTime)/this.dur;
    if (t > 1) {
    t = 1;
    delete this.onEnterFrame;
    var r = t*this.r2 + (1-t)*this.r1;
    var g = t*this.g2 + (1-t)*this.g1;
    var b = t*this.b2 + (1-t)*this.b1;
    // trace(r + ", "+ g + ", " + b);
    this.clr.setRGB((r << 16) + (g << 8) + b);

    MovieClip.prototype.beginColorTween = function(r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2,duration)
    this.r1 = r1;
    this.g1 = g1;
    this.b1 = b1;
    this.r2 = r2;
    this.g2 = g2;
    this.b2 = b2;
    this.dur = duration;
    this.startTime = getTimer();
    this.clr = new Color(this);
    this.onEnterFrame = doTween;

    // transform movieclip 'mc' from red to green over 4 seconds
    mc.beginColorTween (255,0,0, 0,255,0, 4*1000);

    For more subtle tints, you can use setTransform instead of setRGB, but the method of interpolation is the same - for each element in the transform array whcih changes, interpolate it using

    x = t*x2 + (1-t)*x1;
    Last edited by jbum; 10-07-2004 at 02:43 PM.

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